This CD "TESTIFY TO LOVE" was inspired by the above episode of "TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL".  I'm now 49 years old and because my health is going down hill, I may not make it to 50.  I'm having repeating infections that are becoming resistant to antibiotics, plus I'm in pain most of the time.  I love where I'm living now and being that we all have to die sometime, I want to die now so I can have my cat and friends around me.  If I wait too long, the building where I live might be shut down and I could end up dying in a place where I don't wanna be.,  So when my next infection hits, I have no plans on being treated.  My own list of things to do is about complete and I'm ready to let go and be with Jesus.

On June 7, 2014 I got Prayed for.  Do I believe that God answers Prayer and can restore my health?  Yes.  And since that prayer, I have been feeling better and I no longer have a catheter.  My urologist thinks the catheter was causing the repeating infections.  I'm hoping he's right because I really don't want to go back to the hospital again and again and again. 

The CD "TESTIFY TO LOVE" took a lot of guts on my part because I mixed Dectalk in with some actual recordings rather than use karaoke tracks.  I just wanted to show how well Dectalk blends in with actual singers.  I'm setting a very high bar because I have faith in the next generation.  If you can't talk but want to sing, put pressure on software companies to design a new singing speech engine so that you too can sing and testify to love.

I hope everyone enjoys my CD.